Children are paying the heaviest price as violence in Gaza and Israel continues.
Donate today to help children not just survive the next emergency, but thrive.
Children's lives and futures are at risk-they urgently need your support to protect them, please donate today.
Children in Gaza urgently need our help
Children are cut off from the basics they need to survive, and over 1.4 million – over 60% of the total population of Gaza – have been displaced. Children’s lives and futures are at risk.
We are calling for an immediate end to this conflict. An end to the fighting is the only way to ensure children are kept safe!

Your support will help provide immediate and life-saving assistance to children in conflict and can provide a family in desperate need with essentials such as food, water and medical supplies.
We urgently need your support to protect them, please donate today.
You can save a child’s life today.
You Can Save Children's Lives Today

Donate to our Child Emergency Fund
Wherever children’s lives are threatened by conflict, disaster or disease, your gift will ensure we can be there to protect them.

Without Urgent Medical Care, Children Like Sakira* Could Die
In the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, too many children are suffering from infections like pneumonia.

Give with Confidence
For over 30 years, helpcenters has been one of the charities you can trust, with a track record of using donations efficiently and effectively.
When children are at their most vulnerable, when disaster strikes, in times of crisis, in places where poverty puts children at risk – helpcenters is there.
Educating children
48 million are still out of school
Eradicating child poverty
20,000 children die every day due to poverty
Responding to emergencies
1.3 million people living in disaster zones
Saving lives
15,000 children die every day from preventable causes
Transforming children's lives

We do whatever it takes to help keep families alive and safe, delivering food, water, shelter, and life saving healthcare.

We advocate and campaign for change to improve child wellbeing, realise children’s rights and ensure children’s voices are heard.

Around the world
We bring years of international experience and stories of good practice from around the world and here in New Zealand.
Latest news and stories

This Ramadan in Gaza, there will be no dates to break fast
17 March 2024
By Mohamad Alasmar, Helpcenters Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Director for Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe

A Tale of Two El Niños: Malawi underwater, Zambia dries out
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Two neighbouring southern Africa nations are battling completely opposite weather disasters this month, with Zambia experiencing drought.

I'm a Syrian and a Humanitarian: 13 years of conflict
15 March 2024
By Anita Mohamed, a professional humanitarian with over 16 years in senior and leadership roles with International NGOs.

Children in Gaza have suffered "relentless mental harm"
12 March 2024
Five months of violence, displacement, and starvation on top of 17 years of a blockade have caused relentless mental harm to children.